Daca nu vi s-a parut ca, copierea produselor Apple este indeajuns de ridicola, ei bine iata ca avocatii Samsung pot sa intreaca limitele normalului fara niciun fel de probleme. Reprezentantii legali ai companiei asiatice se cearta cu avocatii Apple pana si pentru locurile pe care le vor ocupa in instanta, dar si pentru calitatea procesuala pe care o vor avea. Avocatii Samsung spun ca ambele parti ar trebui sa se numeasca petenti si nu reclamant/parat, sustinand ca instanta trebuie sa trateze ambele parti in mod egal si din moment ce ambele ridica pretentii, ambele trebuie sa aiba aceeasi calitate procesuala.
Both parties will at times be acting as plaintiffs and both as defendants, and it is therefore important that both parties are treated the same. Samsung asks the court to rule that both companies be referred to during the trial as “claimants.” It even asks that its lawyers be allowed to sit at the plaintiff’s table while it is arguing in favor of its claims against Apple.
“Equal treatment of the parties with respect to where they sit while presenting their affirmative case will mitigate any prejudice to Samsung that may result from Apple being in closer proximity to the jury throughout the trial,” Samsung said. “It will also ensure that the jury does not draw any improper inference based on disparate treatment of the parties with respect to their positions in the courtroom.”
Celor de la Samsung nu le place sa fie numiti parati si spun ca atunci cand isi prezinta cauza ar trebui sa stea in locul in care in mod normal sunt situati reclamantii, penibilul fiind un cuvant inexistent in vocabularul avocatilor companiei asiatice. Ca sa fiu sincer mi se pare ca avocatii incearca prin metode demne de tot rasul sa prelungeasca inutil procesul cu Apple si avem aici o buna dovada a felului in care inteleg unii sa faca business si sa isi rezolve problemele legale.