Intr-o sedinta de judecata desfasurata intr-un proces dintre Samsung si Apple, o parte din documentatia prezentata instantei dezvaluie faptul ca iPhone-urile produc de doua ori mai mult profit decat tabletele iPad. Documentele se refera doar la SUA, tara in care se inregistreaza aproximativ o treime din incasarile Apple, deci ele sunt extrem de importante pentru intregul business. Practic intre anii 2010 – 2012 profitul generat de iPhone a fost aproape dublu fata de profitul generat de tableta iPad si subventiile acordate de catre operatorii de telefonie mobila au jucat un rol important in intreaga ecuatie.
Apple Inc earned gross margins of 49 to 58 percent on its U.S. iPhone sales between April 2010 and the end of March 2012, while gross margins on the iPad were much lower during much of that period, according to a court filing. The information was revealed on Thursday in a freshly unsealed statement from an Apple expert witness, filed in the company’s patent battle against Samsung Electronics Co Ltd. An Apple representative declined to comment on the court filing. Between October 2010 and the end of March 2012, Apple had gross margins of 23 to 32 percent on its U.S. iPad sales, which generated revenue of more than $13 billion for Apple, the filing said. Apple does not typically disclose profit margins on individual products.
In perioada mentionata in documente Apple a obtinut incasari de 33 de miliarde de dolari numai din vanzarea terminalelor iPhone, deci vorbim despre 16 miliarde de dolari generati doar de SUA in fiecare an pentru compania americana. Practic pentru Apple este mult mai profitabil sa tina iPhone-ul pe piata in locul tabletei iPad si desigur ca evolutia produselor va fi extrem de puternic influentata de profit.