Chirp este o noua aplicatie pentru iDevice-uri care aduce o functionalitate extrem de interesanta in App Store-ul celor de la Apple. Aplicatia este dezvoltata folosind un algoritm special care permite utilizatorilor sa partajeze continut folosind doar simple sunete emise de catre difuzorul iDevice-ului si interpretate de catre aplicatie. Prin Chirp utilizatorii pot partaja poze, link-uri si chiar continut text, insa pentru ca actiunile de partajare sa fie indeplinite este necesar ca ambele iDevice-uri sa aiba aplicatia interesata si sa se afle la o distanta mica unul de celalalt.
Chirp is a magical new way to share your stuff – using sound. Chirp ‘sings’ information from one iPhone to another. Share photos, links, notes and more: all from your built-in iPhone speaker. What will you chirp? Chirp lets you send information over the air to anyone running the app near you. Use the app to send or receive pictures from your camera, and share with everyone in the room. Chirp is the super-simple way to share that everyone’s talking about – download it now.
- Share photos with groups of friends
- One-button simple: just chirp it!
- Share any link you like
Notes: you need to run Chirp to receive chirps. Sharing requires a network connection. Chirp works in noisy places too – check it out.
Chirp este disponibila gratuit in App Store, insa functioneaza doar pe terminale iPhone. Ca o nota persoanala va recoand macar sa incercati aplicatia pentru ca este o metoda extrem de simpla de a partaja orice vreti voi, pacat ca nu permite trimiterea simultana a mai multor poze.
Descriere: Chirp is a magical new way to share your stuff using sound. Chirp ‘sings’ information from one iPhone to another. Share photos, links, notes and more: all from your built-in iPhone speaker. What will you …
This post was last modified on iul. 28, 2012, 5:25 PM 17:25