In cursul serii trecute compania Apple a lansat un nou firmware update pentru MacBook Air-uri si ofera posesorilor de MacBook Pro Retina posibilitatea de a utiliza functia PowerNap pe propriile PC-uri. Acum cateva zile Apple a lansat un firmware update prin care a implementat PowerNap-ul pe MacBook Air 2011/2012, insa iata ca si Pro-urile cu Retina au parte de el. Din pacate doar aceste MacBook-uri vor avea PowerNap deoarece ele sunt singurele care au SSD-uri montate, dar poate Apple va oferi aceeasi optiune si posesorilor de MacBook Pro-uri cu SSD-uri, desi nativ ele nu au asemenea componente.
Functia PowerNap este disponibila doar in OS X Mountain Lion, mai jos aveti listate principalele ei functii, iar update-ul il gasiti in sistemul Software Update.
- Contacts. Your Contacts update with any changes you may have made on another device.
- Calendar. Receive new invitations and calendar updates.
- Reminders. Reminders updates with any changes you may have made on another device.
- Notes. Notes updates with any changes you may have made on another device.
- Documents in your iCloud account. iCloud pushes any edits you made to a document to your Mac notebook.
- Photo Stream. Your Photo Stream updates with new photos from your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch.
- Mac App Store updates. Your Mac notebook can download updates from the Mac App Store.
- Time Machine backup. Your Mac notebook can back up while it sleeps.
- Find My Mac. Locate a lost Mac notebook even when it’s sleeping.
- VPN on demand. Corporate email updates securely.
- Configuration profile. Macs in managed environments can receive configuration profile updates.