iPhone 5 cu 2 carcase noi va veni pe 21 septembrie, iPad Mini va fi disponibila in noiembrie si iPad 4 este in proces de dezvoltare la Apple


  In mijlocul zvonurilor privind lansarea iPhone 5, cei de la iLounge ofera acum informatii referitoare la noul dispozitiv, la iPad Mini, la iPad 4, la un nou iPod Touch si la un nou iPod Nano. Incepand cu iPhone 5, lansarea din 21 septembrie este confirmata de sursele celor de la iLounge, dispozitivul urmand sa arate exact asa cum il stim, insa urmand sa fie disponibil cu doua modele de carcase noi. Prima carcasa ar fi foarte asemanatoare cu cea Bumper lansata in 2010, iar a doua ar urma sa fie una revolutionara, care ar urma sa aiba un impact puternic asupra pietei accesoriilor, insa deocamdata nu se stie daca ea va fi lansata pe piata.

New iPhone. Apple will be ready to ship the new iPhone starting in mid-September, pointing to a launch date around the third week of September, maybe a little later if it waits to build additional inventory. But just before October is looking increasingly likely.

New iPhone Cases. Apple is working on at least two cases for the new iPhone. One is very similar to the Bumper released for the iPhone 4, and is a lock for release. The other is a different design that our source says will have a major impact on the accessory market if released, yet is not hugely surprising. Something with a stand, perhaps?

  Un nou model al iPod Touch urmeaza sa fie lansat in aceasta toamna de catre Apple, dispozitivul avand un ecran de 4 inch, probabil procesorul A5 din iPad 2/3 si iPhone 4S, plus noul design al iPhone 5. Din pacate Apple nu ar urma sa lanseze si o noua versiune a iPod Nano, un dispozitiv care nu are parte de chiar atat de multa atentie din partea consumatorilor.

New iPod touch. The new iPod touch will likely be announced at the same event as the new iPhone, and as we’ve previously noted, it will grow in screen size and performance relative to its 3.5”-screened, A4 CPU-based predecessor.

New iPod nano. As interesting as the new form factor rumors have been, there is too little evidence at this point to suggest that a new iPod nano is actually about to be announced or released.

  iPad Mini ar urma sa fie prezentata intr-un eveniment separat de cel al iPhone 5 si al noului iPod Touch, iar lansarea ar putea avea loc undeva la mijlocul lunii noiembrie. Se pare ca Apple ar urma sa produca si noi versiuni ale carcaselor Smart Cover care vor functiona cu iPad Mini, insa lansarea tabletei este conditionata de stocurile relativ reduse ale produsului. Apple ar fi interesata sa lanseze tableta in mijlocul sarbatorilor de iarna, un sezon in care cumparatorii nu se prea uita la bani si ingroasa conturile companiilor.

iPad mini + Cases. The iPad mini will apparently not be ready to ship at the same time as the new iPhone, and might* have its own debut event. Our source says that it could ship by November, which we noted would be really close to year’s end, during a month that typically doesn’t see new hardware releases from Apple; our source stood firm on the target date. On the accessory front, Apple is working on smaller versions of the iPad Smart Cover and iPad Smart Case for the iPad mini.

  iPad 4 este in proces de dezvoltare la Apple si se pare ca tableta ar urma sa mentina design-ul iPad 3, insa va avea modificari minore care teoretic ar trebui sa imbunatateasca experienta de utilizare. Apple va imbunatati sistemul de disipare a caldurii, va include componente noi si mai performante, va implementa portul conector de 19 pini si un microfon pentru anularea zgomotelor de fond, microfon identic cu cel utilizat in iPhone 5. Apple ar urma sa implementeze microfonul langa camera tabletei, asa cum am vazut deja in prototipurile noului dispozitiv.

Fourth-Generation iPad. Apple’s current plan for the fourth-generation iPad is to release another relatively modest body tweak, which would keep the shape basically the same while introducing the new small Dock Connector, a rear-side microphone, and spec-improving/heat-reducing changes to the hardware inside. The rear-side mic might aid in noise cancellation or improve audio quality during rear video recording, and is apparently just like one found on the iPhone 5, between the camera and flash; prototype iPad minis apparently have a mic on the back in the same place.

iPad mini + iPad (4th-Gen) Event? The next iPad’s release date is a big question mark right now. As noted with the * above for the iPad mini, Apple could hold a special event just to announce the sub-8” tablet, and our source suggests that Apple might be ready to refresh the iPad at the same time. We and our source both feel that a late 2012 iPad refresh is unlikely given Apple’s track record, particularly the bad press/consumer anger that would follow if something replaced “the new iPad” so soon after its launch. This is purely speculation, but it wouldn’t be surprising to see the iPad announced at a low-key event at Apple’s Town Hall, with the fourth-generation iPad launching around the one-year anniversary of its predecessor.