Un exploit al iOS si al husei Smart Cover a ajutat o persoana sa isi recupereze tableta iPad

  Acum cateva luni de zile v-am prezentat acest exploit al iOS care permite posesorilor de tablete cu huse Smart Cover

sa inlature un cod de siguranta fara prea mult efort. Desi foarte multa lume ar considera acest exploit o problema, un american fericit le poate multumi celor de la Apple pentru existenta sa. Barbatul si-a uitat tableta iPad intr-un avion acum 4 luni de zile, ea a fost descoperita de catre o mama si fiul sau, iar timp de 4 luni copilul a inceput sa gaseasca o metoda de a debloca tableta care avea setat un cod de siguranta. Cu ajutorul exploit-ului din iOS el a reusit sa deblocheze tableta si posesorul original a fost sunat pentru a isi recupera produsul pierdut cu atat de mult timp in urma.

I left my iPad on a plane about 4 months ago. Today, I received a call from a kid whose mom had found it on the flight after mine. He had no way to tell who it belonged to since it was PIN locked. He spent the past 4 months trying to figure out how to contact me. Apparently, the Delta flight attendant refused to take it from his mom (thanks Delta :/). Next he tried calling Apple, but they weren’t able to help. Finally, 4 months later he figured out how to break into it using the smart cover hack. He was able to get into my contacts and find numbers. I live far away from him, but coincidentally my father lives very nearby. They met tonight and the iPad was returned and a reward was given.

So, today I’m very thankful for honest people and insecure Apple firmware. I suspect he’s a redditor. So if you see this, come forward and claim your reddit gold!

  Se pare ca nici macar Apple nu a fost de acord sa ajute mama si copilul sa deblocheze tableta pentru a o returna proprietarului, insa partea buna este ca exista exploit-uri in iOS. Nu stiu cat de reala este povestea, insa ea este destul de interesanta.

This post was last modified on iul. 30, 2012, 8:25 PM 20:25

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