Cativa cetateni ai New York-ului prind un hot de terminale iPhone, inregistreaza actiunea(Video)


  Va spuneam ieri ca 40% dintre furturile de terminale mobile care au loc in New York au in prim-plan iDevice-urile si iata ca acum avem dovada faptului ca, cetatenii au puterea de a opri asemenea actiuni. Povestea are in prim-plan o femeie a carui iPhone i-a fost furat din mana de un hot care mai apoi a fost fugarit si prins de cativa cetateni care au asistat la intreaga scena. Unii dintre ei s-au ranit in incercarea de a prinde hotul, insa intr-un final au reusit sa il incolteasca si sa il retina pana cand un echipaj al politiei a sosit pentru a il aresta.

“I was surfing through the Internet, and this guy just snatched it,” she said. “She was screaming, ‘Help!’ ” Hester told The Post. “They were wrestling. He snatched the phone and pushed her.” Hester — who sells office space when he’s not battling bad guys — sprung into action. “I just ran,” he said. “My coffee went everywhere, and my phone fell out of my pocket.”Bunn was the first to grab Udell, 26, but hurt his knee in the attempted citizen’s arrest. Hester then knocked the suspect to the ground but got slightly dazed himself in the fall. That’s when a crowd of other outraged bystanders started to gather, and one man stomped his foot onto Udell’s throat. Hester said he actually had to hold off angry onlookers. In the process, Udell jumped up and once again bolted. Hester chased him a second time, catching him on Barclay Street near West Broadway. “I was like, ‘I don’t have all day to be chasing you,’ ” Hester said he told Udell. Hester then held Udell until cops arrived. “Thieves need to know, ‘You’re not going to get away with this in broad daylight,’ ” Hester, of Wayne NJ, said.

  Nu stiu in cate orase ale lumii cetatenii ar fi capabili sa faca un asemenea gest, insa iata ca in New York orice este posibil.