ReaddleDocs este o aplicatie de tip office care permite posesorilor de iDevice-uri sa administreze documente pe propriile iDevice-uri si din experienta mea, aplicatia s-a dovedit a fi o solutie extrem de buna de a adminsitra acest tip de fisiere pe iPhone sau iPad. Aplicatia va pune la dispozitie optiuni pentru vizionarea, generarea si editarea de fisiere, plus optiunea de a sincroniza documentele cu dropbox sau chiar iCloud, deci aveti la dispozitie un utilitar foarte complex pe care eu vi-l ofer astazi in cadrul acestui concurs.
It can catch documents from any source you can imagine: PC or Mac computers, web sites, email attachments, iDisk, Dropbox and other online file storages and even iPhones. All files are saved to your iPhone or iPod Touch locally so you can enjoy reading them anywhere! ReaddleDocs also allows you to read books in a variety of formats. TXT, FB2, ePub, RTF and HTML files are supported in addition to PDF and DOC documents. Forward email with attachment to your unique Readdle Storage mail-in address and save it to your device using ReaddleDocs. Or download files directly from IMAP/POP3 enabled mail servers.
ReaddleDocs poate fi castigata de voi prin lasarea unui comentariu cu textul Particip. Concursul se incheie maine dimineata la ora 08:00.
ReaddleDocs (documents/attachments viewer and file manager)
Descriere: Up to 70% sale for all Readdle apps to celebrate the 5th birthday. 48 hours only.
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