Saurik, dezvoltatorul aplicatiei Cydia, a fost de multe ori criticat pentru modul in care este intretinuta infrastructura Cydia si desigur ca a fost blamat pentru ca ar castiga foarte multi bani de pe urma acestei aplicatii, dar nu ar oferi prea multe inapoi. Suparat de tot ceea ce se spune despre el, saurik a vorbit in cateva comentarii despre banii pe care ii produce Cydia, dar si despre Cydia pentru Mac. Saurik sustine ca dezvoltatorii de tweak-uri si aplicatii pentru Cydia culeg 70% din banii platiti pentru pachete, restul de 30% fiind impartiti in 7.5% comisioane pentru Paypal, 7.5% TVA in Europa si restul de 15% revenindu-i lui saurik. Acesti 15% sunt folositi de saurik pentru a plati infrastructura care sustine Cydia si serviciile sale adiacente, pentru a plati sponsorizari la diverse conferinte si cei 2 angajati ai companiei, iar la final saurik spuen ca nu ramane cu prea multi bani.
100% – 70% (developer) – 7.5% (PayPal) – 7.5% (EU VAT) is nowhere near 30%. Cydia also bears a greater cost than I thought it would for outgoing payments (as almost every developer makes no money, so the PayPal fees end up being really expensive every two weeks to send “almost no money” to thousands of people), and if you subtract bandwidth and servers and the two employees SaurikIT does have, you are left with quite little; what is left is spent back on the community, including bandwidth for non-Cydia things such as jailbreaks/TinyUmbrella, sponsorships of open conferences, etc. That TSS/SHSH server I run that people love so much alone costs many thousands of dollars a month.
… the percentage of people in the App Store that have, in the last four years, spent anywhere close to $100 is probably more accurately approximated as 0% than with any positive number. I personally know tons of people with iPhones, and I know of not a single person, even myself, that purchases $100/yr in the App Store… that is just a ludicrous amount of money when even the most popular products are <$3.
Stores like this really do not make much money… you can claim it all you want, and you can be pissed about it all you want, but it doesn’t change the facts: Apple pretty much breaks even on the App Store (public earning reports, statements in press conferences), the Android Market loses money (analysis by a judge in a lawsuit based on internal accounting documents), and other random stores you see (including Cydia) are lifestyle businesses at best and pits of despair and debt at their worst (anecdotal statements and evidence from developers of alternative Android markets I meet at conferences). For me, this all honestly takes up much more mental time and pain for sufficiently little money that if I didn’t feel this community was important I’d be stupid for continuing to subject myself to rants like yours.
You have to understand that the most popular applications in the ecosystem are from Intelliborn, and I only get 1% of their earnings due the Rock deal… which, if you remember, is a deal where I paid $1 and did not actually get any real control of Rock (in fact, I specifically told them they could continue distributing and hosting the app itself, and they declined). As Mario (owner of Rock Your Phone) said to the Washington Post (in the same article where these terms were published): “I saw an exit strategy and I wanted to focus on developing [apps]
Saurik spune ca magazinele de aplicatii precum Cydia, App Store sau Google Play fie produc indeajuns de multi bani pentru a acoperi costurile de intretinere, fie pierd bani. In cazul Cydia se pare ca raman ceva bani dupa plata tuturor obligatiilor, insa saurik sustine ca nu se imbogateste din Cydia si eu unul il cred, iar cei care au intretinut vreodata servere sau au dezvoltat sisteme asemanatoare probabil isi fac o idee in legatura cu tot ceea ce are nevoie o asemenea infrastructura.
I’ve apologized a million tons about this, in every single possible forum I could imagine (and some in which I never would have thought it could come up), and am apparently going to be hearing about this until the day I die… I bet “where is Cydia for Mac (you *******)” is going to be chiseled into my tombstone.
I am truly truly sorry. If it makes you feel any better, I have learned a serious lesson from this, and I no longer even tell people what I’m working on, lest I get held to it.
As I have stated on numerous other occasions: I got almost universally negative feedback from it when I announced it, including entire articles online calling me stupid for even having suggested it. I seriously left a conference early feeling like I had been half-laughed off of the stage for even suggesting the idea (yes: that’s definitely an overstatement of reality, but I kind of felt that way at the time). It wasn’t until half a year later (when Lion was released) that any reasonable number of people decided to say “maybe saurik isn’t so stupid after all”.
Meanwhile, the real goal was “Substrate for Mac”, and when I started getting more testers I discovered that it didn’t really work and likely wasn’t going to work without a lot of serious effort. Contrary to then what you will likely claim: I then actually put in a lot of serious effort, but in the meantime Lion came out and actually made the problem a lot harder with its sandboxes. Remember: unlike on iOS, there isn’t a “patch your kernel with a jailbreak” step.
Regardless, I pushed on some more, and even got some other people in the community to help come up with ideas of how to solve this, but it simply has never worked that well. So: I’m sorry, there is still no Substrate for Mac, and thereby no point in releasing a Cydia for Mac. However, I maintain that you really are not entitled to me writing it for you just because it may or may not be a good idea; this does not change because you’ve made a rant on a forum.
In ceea ce priveste Cydia pentru Mac, puteti sa va luati gandul de la ea deorece saurik nu a reusit sa dezvolte o versiune a mobilesubstrate care sa functioneze cu OS X Mountain Lion, procesul de dezvoltare fiind extrem de complicat si deocamdata pentru saurik efortul nu merita. Ceea ce spune fondatorul Cydia este foarte interesant si cu siguranta multi vor privi altfel rolul lui saurik dar si “tonele de bani” pe care Cydia le produce lunar.