Apple urmeaza sa lanseze noi versiuni ale iPhone, iPad si iPod Touch care au port conector de 19 pini

  S-a spus pana acum ca Apple urmeaza sa lanseze noi iDevice-uri in aceasta toamna si se pare ca zvonurile se dovedesc a fi adevarate deoarece Apple ar urma sa lanseze noi versiuni ale iPhone, iPad si iPod Touch in toamna. Pe langa iPhone 5, iPad Mini si iPod Touch 5G, Apple ar urma sa lanseze si o noua versiune a iPad 3, totul in ideea de a implementa noul port conector de 19 pini in toate iDevice-urile sale. Asta sustin cei de la iMore care citeaza surse apropiate companiei Apple care afirma ca Apple este interesata sa uniformizeze acest nou port conector la toate iDevice-urile sale, chiar daca asta presupune actualizarea iPad 3 sau iPad 2 in aceasta toamna.

iMore has learned that Apple intends to update their entire lineup of iOS device products to support the new, miniaturized Dock connector, and to do it as early the rumored September 12 special event this fall. This would include the new iPhone 5, the the new iPod nano and iPod touch, the rumored 7-inch iPad mini, and an updated version of the current 9.7-inch iPad. Apparently, Apple believes consistent Dock connectors across the line, and other improvements they’re able to make to the new iPad this point, are more important than sticking to yearly release schedules. Apple has previously shown little aversion to extending release schedules, with a 16 month gap between iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S, and no substantive iPod touch updates for 23 months and counting. But what about significantly shortening them?

  Implementarea noului port conector de 19 pini in iPhone 5, iPad Mini si iPod Touch 5G este credibila, insa lansarea unei versiuni noi si imbunatatile a iPad 3 pare putin probabila in momentul de fata. Desigur ca nu este exclusa posibilitatea ca aceste produse sa apara pe data de 12 septembrie, insa deocamdata vorbim doar despre zvonuri si nimic mai mult.

This post was last modified on aug. 6, 2012, 8:02 PM 20:02

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