Mail Faker este o noua aplicatie publicata in cursul acestei zile in Cydia, iar cu ajutorul sau va puteti pacali prietenii trimitandu-le email-uri de pe adrese false. Tweak-ul are un meniu intuitiv care va permite sa introduceti adresa de email falsa de pe care doriti sa trimiteti mesajlul, subiectul, adresa recipientului si numele fals al expeditorului. Acesta nu este primul tweak care aduce o asemenea functionalitate pentru iDevice-uri, insa aplicatia include si un modul anonim, dar nu este gratuita.
With Mail Faker you can send e-mails to everyone from without enter your email ! you can use anonymous mode, and send from your friend e-mail! This app is for entertainment only !
Once you use the application, you realize that the application does not perform filtering emails that you’re sending, and write e-mail content * is on your sole responsibility! * You also undertake to not to write email content such as: illegal, abusive, threatening, phising or other violation of any kind. In Addition, You understand that we save your information that includes : Your name, Your Mail, Your Location, Your UUID , and your IOS Verison and device – for security and legal reasons.
Mail Faker este disponibil in Cydia gratuit, insa il puteti folosi doar pentru o perioada limitata de timp deoarece apoi trebuie sa cumparati o licenta.