iTypewriter iti transforma tableta iPad intr-o masina de scris adevarata(Video)


  Credeati ca masinile de scris au devenit simple obiecte istorice pe care ar trebui sa le vedem doar in muzee? Daca da, atunci va anunt ca gresiti deoarece un nou accesoriu pentru tableta iPad promite sa ofere jurnalistilor nostalgici posibilitatea de a isi tranfsorma tableta intr-o adevarata masina de scris. In clipul video de mai sus aveti prezentat instrumentul numit iTypeWriter si observati ca vorbim despre o masina de scris adevarata care este echipata cu butoane cauciucate care apasa butoanele tastaturii virtuale a tabletei in momentul in care utilizatorii o folosesc.

It is a typewriter for the ipad. Users can enjoy the old feeling of typing and also the lastest technology. Even though the elder users who have never used the computer or ipad, they can use this familiar typewriter and type in the familiar operation way. For some specific group of users, this product provide an easier way to type on the ipad. People could be able to recollect old experience and memory by familiar appearance and haptic feedback. Instead of stroking on the screen with no feedback, this product can reflect a strong haptic feedback. User can experience the physical strength transfer from the keypad and the movement of each key.

  Nu se stie cand va ajunge pe piata iTypewriter, insa probabil multi utilizatori vor fi interesati de el.