Hackerii va cer ajutorul in a face jailbreak-ul mai popular

  In ultimele luni de zile jailbreak-ul a intrat intr-un con de umbra si asta pentru ca dezvoltarea solutiilor de jailbreak a devenit din ce in ce mai grea, iar hackerii nu mai prezinta exploit-urile pe care le detin inaintea ca Apple sa lanseze noi versiuni importante a iOS. Chiar daca situatia s-a schimbat, hackerii inca dezvolta solutii de jailbreak si cei care lucreaza la dezvoltarea solutiei de jailbreak pentru Apple TV va cer ajutorul pentru popularizarea muncii lor si desigur pentru a creste numarul celor dispusi sa doneze pentru dezvoltarea ei.

  Intr-un post publicat pe blogul celor care dezvolta solutia, ni se cere sa folosim mediile de socializare pentru a aduce in atentia cat mai multor oameni eforturile pe care hackerii le fac acum pentru a dezvolta solutia de jailbreak. Desi acum se promoveaza Apple TV-ul, puteti promova in acelasi mod orice efort al unui hacker de a dezvolta o solutie de jailbreak.

  1. Social Media – Post a link to us on your Facebook Wall, or Tweet about us on Twitter. Your friends will be glad you did. You can also find us through our Facebook Page or Twitter Profile.
  2. Blog Posts – If you run a web site or blog, why not write a little tidbit about us on it? Anyone who reads it will be thankful you chose to share it with them. Any links back are more than welcome.
  3. Forum Posts – Are you active in any online discussion forums? Start a thread and watch it grow. It’s more than likely that many of them already own Apple TV devices and aren’t aware that the jailbreak exists.
  4. Email Newsletters – Do you have a list of newsletter subscribers that you stay in constant contact with? Do us a favour and mention our web site in your next mass email.
  5. Classified Ads – Whether you post about us on Craigslist, Kijiji, or in your Local Newspaper, classified ads have always proven to be frequented by quite a large number of people.
  6. Bulletin Boards – Many grocery stores, community centres and offices have bulletin boards meant for people to post interesting notices and such. Take the time to print out a page with a link and post it up for people to read as they pass by.
  7. Word of Mouth – Make it a point to tell your coworkers, friends and family about our web site and community. Surely you know some Apple buffs that probably purchased an Apple TV at time or another.

This post was last modified on aug. 22, 2012, 10:15 AM 10:15

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