Apps on the App Store are made available by third party providers. Once you have identified the app and described the alleged infringement on the following pages, we will respond via email with a reference number and will put you in direct contact with the provider of the disputed app. Any further contact with the App Store Legal team should be made via email and should include the reference number in the subject line.
Practic Apple nu mai vrea sa fie arbitru in aceste dispute si ii lasa pe dezvoltatori sa-si rezolve singuri problemele, insa in cazurile in care ei nu vor ajunge la un punct comun, compania va fi obligata sa intervina. Nu cred ca aceasta metoda va da rezultate prea bune avand in vedere ca dezvoltatorii care copiaza o fac in ideea de a scoate rapid bani, deci presupun ca Apple nu va scapa de povara arbitrajului.
This post was last modified on sept. 1, 2012, 12:46 PM 12:46