Anul trecut se estima ca aproximativ o treime dintr-un iPhone este asamblat folosind componente produse de catre Samsung, insa anul acesta lucrurile par sa se schimbe. Cei de la Apple au decis ca Samsung nu mai face memorii RAM/NAND chiar atat de bune, asa ca au ales alti furnizori pentru ele. Toshiba Corp, Elpida Memory ELPDK.PK si SK Hynix sunt cele 3 companii care furnizeaza atat memorii RAM, cat si memorii de stocare NAND pentru terminale iPhone 5, Samsung fiind scoasa de pe lista companiilor de la care Apple achizitioneaza asemenea componente.
Apple has reduced its orders for memory chips for its new iPhone from its main supplier and competitor Samsung Electronics, a source with direct knowledge of the matter said on Friday. Apple has been cutting back its orders from Samsung as it seeks to diversify its memory chip supply lines, although the South Korean firm remains on the list of initial suppliers for the new iPhone, the source told Reuters. The Korea Economic Daily, citing an unnamed industry source, reported on Friday that Apple had dropped Samsung from the list of memory chip suppliers for the first batch of the new iPhone, the iPhone 5, which is widely expected to be unveiled next Wednesday.
Era normal ca Apple sa renunte la unele contracte cu Samsung din moment ce coreenii nu inteleg ca nu este bine sa furi de la partenerii tai, iar acum vedem primele schimbari care sigur vor afecta incasarile Samsung. Cei trei parteneri alesi de catre Apple au mai fost folositi in trecut, chip-uri de-ale lor regasindu-se fie in iDevice-uri, fie in Mac-uri, deci nu va fi o problema in ceea ce priveste performantele, insa problema va sta in capacitatea lor de a produce indeajuns de multe componente. Avand in vedere ca Apple nu reuseste sa ajunga la niste acorduri cu Samsung, ne putem astepta ca si alte schimbari importante sa aiba loc.
The report said Apple instead picked Japan’s Toshiba Corp (6502.T), Elpida Memory ELPDK.PK and Korea’s SK Hynix (000660.KS) to supply DRAM and NAND chips. “Samsung is still on the list of initial memory chip suppliers (for new iPhones). But Apple orders have been trending down and Samsung is making up for the reduced order from others, notably Samsung’s handset business,” the Reuters source said.