Asa se fura produsele Apple din Apple Store-urile americane(Video)


  Simplu si usor cu un BMW X 5 obtii produse in valoare de cateva zeci de mii de dolari. Problema este ca atunci cand hotul a spart geamul Apple Store-ului a ramas in magazin placuta de inmatriculare a masinii, iar hotul nostru destept s-a intors sa o recupereze, dar a fost intampinat de cativa politisti politicosi care l-au ajutat sa ajunga acolo unde-i este locul.

We have since learned that the driver of the break in vehicle, one Equonne R. Howard (22), drove his own 2003 BMW X-5 through the glass and drop down gate. A passenger loaded up on iPods and iPhones (no MacBooks or MacBook Airs!), as Howard tried to repeatedly back the BMW out of the store after the gate dropped back down behind him. During the heist, the front license plate to Howard’s vehicle came off, and was laying on the floor of the Apple store. Howard went back to the store-apparently to retrieve the plate-where he was apprehended by Riverside Sheriff’s deputies. He had the key to the vehicle still in his pocket.