Brandul Apple si echipa de design sunt considerate cele mai bune ale ultimilor 50 de ani, sunt premiate la Londra(Video)

  British Design & Art Direction (D&AD) a premiat la Londra brandul companiei Apple si echipa sa de design considerandu-le ca fiind cele mai bune ale utimilor 50 de ani, Jony Ive si intreaga sa echipa de 16 persoane fiind dusi de catre Apple pentru a ridica premiul. Stim cu totii cat de apreciat este design-ul iDevice-urilor si stim cu totii ca Jony Ive este extrem de apreciat in cadrul Apple, dar si in cadrul comunitatii internationale a designerilor industriali. Premiul oferit astazi este oferit anual si recunoscut international drept o metoda de a recompensa cei mai buni designeri din domeniu, Apple avand anul acesta onoarea de a fi laudata.

Sir Jonathan Ive declined to say anything publicly but wore a big smile as he chatted to fellow guests at the 50th anniversary celebration of D&AD, which stands for Design and Art Direction. D&AD chief executive Tim Lindsay said: “The people, companies and brands celebrated tonight are the true visionaries of the past 50 years of commercial creativity. Their work has changed the way we live our lives, the way we communicate and the way we perceive businesses and each other.”

“If anyone wondered whether D&AD mattered, the world’s most valuable company has flown its entire design team over,” said Robert Senior, chief executive of Saatchi & Saatchi, who added it sent a strong signal about the importance of creative industries. “Conservative Government, are you listening?” he added.

  Pentru Apple premii de acest gen confirma doar suprematia detinuta de companie in domeniul design-ului, sute de milioane de persoane folosind produsele concepute de catre echipa din interiorul Apple. Probabil in viitor ei vor avea parte de la fel de multe premii, poate chiar mai prestigioase decat cel oferit acum.

This post was last modified on sept. 19, 2012, 3:32 PM 15:32

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