Apple lanseaza OS X Lion 10.7.5 si cateva EFI Update-uri pentru Mac-uri

  Dupa update-ul OS X Mountain Lion-ului, cei de la Apple au actualizat si OS X Lion lansand versiunea 10.7.5 pentru utilizatori. In aceasta versiune a sistemului de operare Apple a rezolvat cate probleme ale versiunii anterioare, insa a inclus si destule noutati pentru cei care inca nu si-au achizitionat OS X Mountain Lion, iar mai jos le aveti listate. Impreuna cu ele aveti listate si noutatile aduse de EFI Update-urile pentru Mac-urile voastre.

OS X Lion Update 10.7.5 Client si OS X Lion Update 10.7.5 Client Combo

The 10.7.5 update is recommended for all OS X Lion users and includes general operating system fixes that improve the stability, compatibility and security of your Mac. It also includes Gatekeeper, a new security feature that helps you keep your Mac safe from malicious software by giving you more control over what apps are installed on your Mac.

The 10.7.5 update also includes fixes that:

    • Resolve an issue where icons in Launchpad may get rearranged after a restart
    • Improve Wi-Fi reliability for iMac (Late 2009 and newer)
    • Resolve an issue using Spotlight to search an SMB server
  • Improve compatibility connecting to Active Directory servers

OS X Lion Update 10.7.5 Server si OS X Lion Update 10.7.5 Server Combo

The 10.7.5 update is recommended for all servers currently running Lion Server. This update includes general operating system fixes that enhance the stability, compatibility, migration and security of your server and specific fixes for:

    • maintaining Spotlight index when changing share point settings
    • creating and connecting to Open Directory master
    • improved reliability of password authentication
    • using Software Update Server to automatically download and enable software updates
    • reliably booting NetRestore images created with System Image Utility
    • using Profile Manager to set the Mobility sync frequency settings for mobile accounts
  • improved reliability when changing an Xsan metadata controller into a client

MacBook Pro Retina EFI Update v1.0 (4.97MB)

This update is recommended for MacBook Pro with Retina display (mid 2012) models.
This update resolves an issue which can cause the system to hang during heavy processor loads, and resolves an issue where NetBoot does not function properly when using an Ethernet adapter.

MacBook Pro EFI Firmware Update 2.9 (4.29MB)

This update is recommended for MacBook Pro (mid 2012) models. This update resolves an issue which can cause the system to hang during heavy processor loads.

MacBook Air EFI Firmware Update 2.5 (4.76MB)

This update is recommended for MacBook Air (mid 2012) models. This update fixes an issue where Turbo Boost does not activate when using Boot Camp, and resolves an issue where NetBoot does not function properly when using an Ethernet adapter.

MacBook Air SMC Update v1.7 (658KB)

This update enables Power Nap support on MacBook Air (Late 2010) computers and is recommended for all users running OS X v10.8.2 or later.

This post was last modified on sept. 20, 2012, 11:27 AM 11:27

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