Laurene Powell Jobs este cea mai bogata femeie din Silicon Valley

  Laurene Powell Jobs, nevasta fostului CEO Apple Steve Jobs, a fost declarata drept cea mai bogata femeie din Silicon Valley, conform celebrei publicatii Forbes Magazine. Cu o avere estimata la 11 miliarde de dolari, Laurene a fondat o companie care vindea produse naturiste, insa a fost si unul dintre investitorii SocialCam, iar acum pozitia o datoreaza averii ramase in urma decesului sotului sau. Desi anul trecut averea lasata in urma de Steve Jobs era considerabil mai mica, se pare ca intre timp sumele din conturile familiei Jobs au crescut simtitor, iar deocamdata Laurene este cea mai bogata femeie din centrul IT-ului mondial.

Widow of legendary Apple cofounder Steve Jobs is now the wealthiest woman in Silicon Valley. A Stanford business school student when she met her husband, Powell once started a natural foods company and was an angel investor in SocialCam, a mobile video-sharing startup bought by Autodesk for $60 million in July. She also founded 2 nonprofits: College Track, designed to ensure admittance to and graduation from college for underserved students, and the Emerson Collective, which works with entrepreneurs on immigration reform, social justice and conservation. She was recently appointed to Stanford’s board of trustees.

This post was last modified on sept. 20, 2012, 9:39 AM 09:39

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