O fabrica Foxconn este inchisa in urma unei revolte si a unor presupuse decese(Video)


  Dimineata v-am spus ca la fabrica Foxconn din Taiyuan 2000 de persoane au pornit o revolta din cauza unui incident ce a avut loc cu fortele de scuritate de acolo. De dimineata si pana acum politia nu a reusit sa stapaneasca multimea adunata la fabrica si 10 persoane ar fi fost ranite in evenimente conform Foxconn, sau ar fi murit, daca este sa ne luam dupa alte publicatii din China. Indiferent care este adevarul din spatele acestor violente, clar este ca Foxconn va inchide fabrica pentru a proteja securitatea restului angajatilor.

A spokesman for Hon Hai’s Foxconn Technology Group arm said the situation was “under control,” but added that the plant would be shut for Monday. “Our decision is to take a day off for that particular plant today,” said the spokesman, Louis Woo. An investigation into the cause of the riots, which left 10 injured, is being carried out, according to a report from China’s state-run Xinhua news agency. A local Public Security Bureau officer confirmed that there were “problems” at the plant overnight and that the police were dealing with the situation.

  Principala explicatie din spatele acestui incident are legatura cu faptul ca un angajat al echipei de securitate ar fi lovit un angajat Foxconn, iar mai apoi a fost agresat de alti angajati ai companiei si de aici totul a degenerat in revolta pe care o vedeti in imagini. 100 de persoane au fost arestate, multora li s-au confiscat telefoanele de pe care au fost sterse toate dovezile revoltei si asa incearca Foxconn sa musamalizeze totul. In respectiva fabrica lucreaza 79.000 de persoane, ele produc si capace pentru iPhone 5, iar aceasta problema va avea probabil un impact asupra Apple.

Our sources indicated that one of the security guards hit a Foxconn worker and this made even more of the workers angry and they started to beat up the security guard and others who tried to stop the fighting. Eventually as the Foxconn hired security was overwhelmed rather quickly, they called for backup. They have said it is a dispute between “workers” that started between 10-11pm on September 23rd. However it rapidly escalated from there.
