Pentru prima oara in istorie, Apple permite unui operator sa instaleze software propriu intr-un terminal iPhone pe care il pune in vanzare

  iPhone-ul este probabil singurul telefon mobil pe care operatorii de telefonie mobila nu puteau instala software propriu atunci cand il comercializau prin propria retea, insa acest aspect unic al terminalului a devenit istorie. In cadrul unei intelegeri incheiate intre Apple si operatorul sud coreean SK Telecom, terminalele iPhone 5 vor fi vandute acolo cu un software al SK, software care permite dispozitivului sa faca automat selectia intre 2 frecvente 4G LTE. Software-ul este inclus deoarece operatorul are doua frecvente 4G LTE in folosinta si iPhone-ul ar selecta automat frecventa care ar fi mai putin utilizata, totul in ideea de a oferi utilizatorilor viteze mari pentru navigarea pe internet.

SK Telecom announced on September 27 that Apple allowed multi-carrier software to be installed on the iPhone5 it supplies in Korea. With the aid of the technology, long-term evolution (LTE) data services can be provided selectively either in an 800MHz or 1.8GHz frequency bandwidth. The selection of the roomier bandwidth is performed automatically.  It is unprecedented that Apple opened its terminal platform for the service of a certain mobile carrier. It has put strong restrictions so that any iPhone users can use the same software environments irrespective of operators. That is why iPhones have no pre-load applications.

  Este adevarat ca nu vorbim despre o schimbare radicala a politicii celor de la Apple, insa este pentru prima oara cand compania permite asa ceva unui operator si din moment ce exista un precedent, ne putem astepta ca in viitor alte concesii sa fie facute. Steve Jobs a fost ferm impotriva unor asemenea intelegeri, Apple a castigat respectul si probabil frica operatorilor, insa sub conducerea lui Tim Cook regulile devin maleabile, usor de modificat si multi vor profita de pe urma acestei atitudini.

The approval of the multi-carrier software seems to be because it does not affect the iPhone’s user interface and is not in competitive relations with Apple’s services. Also, it seems to have to do with the data communication speed. A number of new non-Apple smart phones support multi-carrier operation for faster data communications.