Pleacarea lui Steve Jobs de la conducerea Apple a lasat multe semne de intrebare in legatura cu viitorul companiei, viitorul conducerii sale si viitorul produselor ce urmeaza sa fie lansate. Peste doar 2 zile se implineste un an de la decesul regretatului CEO al companiei Apple si deocamdata a existat doar evolutie in urma sa, doar produse care au avut parte de un succes enorm si doar de crestere in ceea ce priveste profitul si pretul actiunilor. In randul angajatilor a existat neincredere in capacitatea conducerii de a tine compania pe un drum drept, in capacitatea ei de a mentine cultura instalata de Jobs, iar schimbarile facute dupa plecarea sa au relaxat angajatii, compania si in final lumea este multumita.
There’s also more office politics and some concern that Jobs’s departure and the arrival of thousands of new employees will dilute the culture. Nevertheless, the company is happier and even somewhat more transparent than it was during Jobs’s tenure, these insiders say. There are fewer frantic calls at midnight, and there’s less implicit pressure on engineers to cut short or cancel vacations in the heat of product development cycles. No one would say Apple is better off without Steve Jobs. But to a surprising degree, it’s doing fine… Much about the company’s direction and even its products still reflects Jobs’s decisions and design preferences—the iPhone 5 was the last model to receive detailed input from Jobs, say two people familiar with the phone’s development.
Daca Jobs nu ar fi plecat, atunci angajatii ar fi avut in continuare vacante scurte, nopti lungi la birou si Google Search probabil ar fi disparut din iOS. Fostul CEO ura atat de mult Google incat la un moment dat a dorit sa scoata si Google Search din iOS, dupa ce a decis sa renunte la Google Maps, insa utilizatorii l-au oprit. Teama ca utilizatorii nu ar accepta o asemenea masura l-a temperat pe Jobs, Google Search ramane in continuare un motor de cautare predefinit in iOS, dar cine stie cat va dura acest lucru?
At the time of his death, Jobs had come to loathe Google, which he felt was copying features of the iPhone while withholding a key feature of Google Maps that allows smartphones to dictate turn-by-turn directions aloud. Jobs also discussed pulling Google search from the iPhone, but figured that customers would reject that move, according to two former Apple executives.
La final va vorbesc despre Bob Mansfield, persoana care a supravegheat dezvoltarea hardware-ului din ultimele iDevice-uri ale companiei Apple, persoana care a decis sa paraseasca acum cateva luni compania, dar a fost convinsa sa ramana in continuare sub comanda lui Tim Cook. Decizia lui Cook a fost luata dupa ce mai multi ingineri seniori ai companiei s-au plans ca Dan Riccio, inlocuitorul sau, nu ar fi pregatit pentru a prelua o asemenea functie si probabil cuvantul demisie a fost rostit de cateva ori. Pentru a nu pierde persoane importante pentru companie, Cook a luat decizia de a ii oferi lui Mansfield actiuni si un salariu lunar de 2 milioane de dolari si un nou pachet de actiuni consistent, iar asta ne va asigura ca viitoare produsele Apple vor avea hardware bun.
According to three people familiar with the sequence of events, several senior engineers on Mansfield’s team vociferously complained to Cook about reporting to his replacement, Dan Riccio, who they felt was unprepared for the magnitude of the role. In response, Cook approached Mansfield and offered him an exorbitant package of cash and stock worth around $2 million a month to stay on at Apple as an adviser and help manage the hardware engineering team.