Un MacBook Pro special facut pentru a il omagia pe Steve Jobs va fi vandut in scopuri caritabile pentru zeci de mii de dolari

  Anul trecut un student asiatic a facut ceea ce avea sa devina un trademark pentru ziua de 5 octombrie, mai exact el a modificat logo-ul Apple pentru a include silueta fetei fostului CEO Steve Jobs. Extrem de multa lume a aprecia munca studentului, iar anul acesta o companie a decis sa foloseasca acel logo in 3 MacBook Pro-uri pe care le va vinde in scopuri caritabile. Carcasa Mac-urilor a fost special modificata pentru a include acel logo, produsule teoretic fiind unice in lumea intreaga, iar 3 norocoase persoane vor avea posibilitatea de a licita pentru ele saptamana viitoare.

A year ago the world lost a force of nature in technology. Steve Jobs’ willpower, creative vision and business instincts disrupted no less than 9 different industries and inspired us all to try and achieve insanely great things. In his honour we have crafted three MacBook Pro Retina’s, based on the design by Hong Kong-based artist Jonathan Mak. We’ve meticulously cut the silhouette of Jobs from the edges of the Apple logo and filled it up again with pre-milled plastic. And each has the beautiful but lesser known ” You can change things” quote by Steve Jobs laser-tattooed on the bottom, as a covert mantra for inspiration. All proceeds from this auction will be evenly split between the charity Get It Done and a fund that we are setting up with the people at SellanApp, dedicated to creating iOS apps (yes, iOS, it’s a tribute, guys) that don’t have a direct business model, but have a clear societal value.

  Licitatia care va incepe saptamana viitoare are pretul de pornire este de 9500€ sau aproximativ 12.000$, iar toti banii obtinuti in urma licitatiilor vor fi donati catre o fundatie aleasa de catre producatori. Compania Uncover a facut aceste Mac-uri, ei sunt specializati pe personalizarea produselor celor de la Apple si probabil livreaza in Romania produsele facute acolo.

This post was last modified on oct. 6, 2012, 9:27 AM 09:27

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