iPhone 5 afiseaza culori mai exacte si imagini mai luminoase decat Samsung Galaxy S III

  Pentru ca Apple a laudat ecranul terminalului iPhone 5 si pentru ca rivalitatea dintre ea si Samsung este mare, cei de la cNET au testat ecranele celor mai importante smartphone-uri ale celor doua companii si au declarat castigator terminalul celor de la Apple. Ei spun ca iPhone 5 afiseaza culori mai exacte si emite mai multa lumina decat Samsung Galaxy S III, iar terminalul celor de la Samsung afiseaza mult mai corect culoarile inchise. Doar pe aceste 3 puncte cheie s-au axat cei de la cNET in testele lor, iar in baza rezultatelor obtinute au declarat iPhone 5 castigator.

  • The iPhone can get much brighter. This leads to punchier whites and better handling of bright ambient-light situations, particularly outdoors or under bright overhead lights.
  • The Galaxy S3 has much deeper black levels. The AMOLED screen of the Galaxy S3 can produce a much deeper, more realistic shade of black than the IPS (in-plane switching) LCD of the iPhone 5. This advantage shows up best under dim ambient-light conditions, such as outdoors at night or in a darker room.
  • Color on the iPhone is much more accurate. The iPhone hews significantly closer to the standard gamut used to produce most of the photos, videos, and other consumer content you’ll view onscreen. That means it produces highly accurate colors. The Galaxy S3, on the other hand, has a gamut far beyond the standard, which oversaturates colors.

  Pentru teste cei de la cNET au folosit aparatura speciala, au luat masuratorile necesare si in articolul lor aveti toate explicatiile tehnice in baza carora s-a ajuns la concluzia ca iPhone 5 ar fi mai bun la acest capitol. Samsung Galaxy S III foloseste un ecran Super AMOLED, in timp ce iPhone 5 foloseste un LCD IPS fabricat folosind tehnologia in-cell, iar asta pare sa il faca de aceasta data castigator.