Angajatii Apple acuza partenerii chinezi ai companiei pentru furnizarea de informatii confidentiale despre produse inca nelansate

  Stiti prea bine ca ultimele produse ale Apple au fost descrise in detaliu prin zvonuri cu multe luni inainte de a fi prezentate de catre Apple, iar unii angajati ai companiei spun ca problema sta la partenerii chinezi. Angajatii companiei spun ca in SUA masurile de securitate impuse de catre Apple sunt mai stricte decat in perioada in care Steve Jobs traia, produsele trebuind ascunse bine atunci cand sunt testate in campusul Apple sau prin Cupertino. Desi masurile de securitate ar fi foarte stricte in SUA, in China situatia este complet diferita, angajatii Apple spunand ca de acolo vin majoritatea zvonurilor despre produsele companiei.

The employees all told us that security at Apple remains as strict—if not slightly stricter—as ever. Prototypes have to be carried around on company grounds while covered in a black cloth so other employees can’t sneak a peek. Those who take prerelease products off campus are heavily restricted when using them with other people (even other Apple employees) in the vicinity. Internal security teams covertly monitor which IRC channels employees like to hang out in. Instead, leaks about the iPhone 5, the Retina MacBook Pro, and the (expected) iPad mini came from somewhere within Apple’s lengthy global supply chain.

  Discutand cu mai multi angajati Apple, cei de la ArsTechnica au aflat ca toti dau vina pe chinezi pentru zvonurile despre produsele inca nelansate, iar ei au cel mai probabil dreptate. Desigur ca a arunca vina pe chinezi este o tactica foarte simpla, insa asta nu inseamna ca in SUA exista doar persoane care respecta regulile. Exista destule zvonuri care au la baza angajati Apple din SUA, insa marea majoritate a informatiilor vin din China, iar aici includem si componentele pe care le vedem cu luni inainte ca ele sa fie asamblate in iDevice-uri.

“Apple’s security practices are targeted at making sure US employees don’t leak stuff, but everything comes out of China now,” one employee told Ars. “I think Apple’s secrecy mode is really outdated.”  “You’ve got thousands of people working on manufacturing something who have no vested interest in keeping it secret,” one employee said, adding that he believes leaks will continue to increase as Apple ramps up overseas manufacturing operations. “It will be increasingly hard to hide the industrial design we do because we manufacture things overseas. Since we don’t do it in the US, it’s may be hard to surprise people over anything in the future.” “Clearly, the people who need the security training are not here” said another. “They’re not getting the same level of scrutiny as we are, and it shows

  Desi in momentul de fata Apple are o foarte mare problema in a tine secrete produsele sale, din pacate nu prea poate opri aparitia zvonurilor si asta pentru ca partenerii sai nu respecta masurile de securitate impuse de americani.

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