In Olanda o instanta a dat astazi o decizie intr-unul dintre procesele internationale dintre Apple si Samsung, compania coreeana fiind cea in favoarea careia s-a terminat totul. Apple a acuzat Samsung ca terminalele din seria Galaxy incalca un brevet de inventie care descrie diverse functii ale tehnologiei multitouch, inclusiv functia pinch to zoom. Instanta olandeza a decis ca Samsung nu incalca aceasta tehnologie prin smartphone-urile si tabletele din seria Galaxy, Apple nereusind deocamdata sa convinga vreo instanta ca aceasta tehnologie a fost incalcata de vreun producator.
A Dutch court has ruled Samsung Electronics does not infringe an Apple Inc patent by using certain multi-touch techniques on some of the Samsung Galaxy smartphones and tablet computers. Apple argued in September in the Hague court that Samsung infringed its patent on multi-touch function, which lets users use two fingers at one time on a touch screen. “With these products Samsung does not infringe the claims that Apple has made,” the court said in its ruling on Wednesday. Apple has taken Samsung and others to court over the “pinch to zoom” function popular on smartphones and tablets. Apple lost a preliminary injunction on this patent in the Dutch courts last year and also lost its battle in the courts in Britain against HTC Corp, and in Germany against Samsung and Motorola Mobility, which is owned by Google.
Instanta din Haga a afirmat ca decizia sa este similara cu altele date in cateva tari europene, si in acest moment e putin probabil ca vreo alta instanta sa decida diferit. Pentru Apple castigarea unui proces in Olanda reprezenta un obiectiv extrem de important deoarece acolo atacase compania care comercializeaza terminale Samsung in intreaga Europa, dar se pare ca nu a avut motive indeajuns de bune pentru a ii da in judecata. Apple va face desigur apel impotriva deciziei, insa apelul va fi cel mai probabil respins.