Lansarea iPad Mini, a iPad 4 si a tabletelor Microsoft pare sa fi aglomerat liniile de productie ale fabricantilor de touchscreen-uri, iar asta duce la o probleme destul de mari pentru anul 2012. Combinand aceste lansari cu o explozie a unei fabrici din Japonia, cei de la DigiTimes spun ca pana la sfarsitul anului productia de touchscreen-uri va fi serios afectata, iar companii precum Apple sau Microsoft vor avea probleme in a livra indeajuns de multe produse pentru a acoperi cererea de pe piata.
Due to the recent releases of tablets by Apple, Microsoft and Samsung Electronics as well as a recent explosion at a chemical plant in Japan, upstream thin-film type touch screen materials will be in shortage until the end of 2012, according to industry sources. Since the explosion in Japan, downstream vendors have reportedly been competing for the materials, with Samsung in particular putting in twice the amount of orders it normally does. Additionally, the iPad mini, which is expected to reach shipments of 10 million units in the fourth quarter of 2012, also features a touch screen, which is expected to worsen the material shortage, said the sources.
In cazul companiei Apple deja se observa probleme in a produce indeajuns de multe terminale iPhone 5, tablete iPad Mini sau tablete iPad 4, iar ele nu par sa se rezolve prea curand. In momentul de fata se vand tot mai multe terminale mobile, iar vanzarile vor creste in preajma Black Friday si a sarbatorilor de iarna, insa daca nu vor exista indeajuns de multe ecrane tactile, atunci producatorii nu vor avea ce sa puna pe rafturile magazinelor si vanzarile vor fi serios afectate.