In iOS 6 Apple a decis sa retraga aplicatia nativa YouTube si serviciul Google Maps, cei de la Google dezvoltand deocamdata un inlocuitor pentru doar aplicatia YouTube. Pentru serviciul Google Maps nu exista momentan o aplicatie special facuta de catre Google si angajatii companiei nu considera ca Apple ar putea publica una vreodata. O parte a celor care dezvolta aplicatia cred ca Apple o va publica de indata ce ea va fi trimisa, altii sunt ceva mai pesimisti si probabil au dreptate. Apple a promovat in App Store alternative pentru iOS 6 Maps, insa niciuna nu foloseste Google Maps, compania dorind sa evite popularizarea serviciului celor de la Google.
While one source indicated increased hopes that the dedicated Google Maps iOS app will eventually be approved now that Apple’s maps leader, Scott Forstall, has departed the company, another was less than enthusiastic about any increased prospects, citing industry politics and Apple’s need to save face as much as possible and “keep moving forward in an effort to make its obviously inferior product better”. Apple unveiled the section, which on Monday listed ten free and paid-for apps, to spotlight alternative mapping apps for iOS in an effort to placate users over response to criticisms of its own Maps app.
Desi Scott Forstall a parasit Apple, unii angajati Google cred ca aplicatia lor nu va fi vreodata publicata in App Store, insa probabil lucrurile vor fi diferite. Apple si Google comunica in mod constant, exista discutii privind dezvoltarea unei aplicatii care sa poata fi publicata in App Store, insa ea deocamdata este departe de a fi gata pentru o distributie publica. Apple a decis sa renunte la Google Maps deoarece Google nu vroia sa permita companiei din Cupertino sa dezvolte un serviciu de navigatie turn-by-turn fara reclama sau licentierea sa, de acolo pornind intregul razboi.
Further, a source at Google told me the feeling is that those apps were purposely left out of the new section because they promote Google and its “superior product” – at a time when there is so much bad blood between the companies over the continuing smartphone patent litigation (following allegations from the late Steve Jobs that Google’s Android OS ripped off iOS). In other words, no matter how bad Apple’s Maps are, the company still wants its users to move on from Google – and forget about them. This doesn’t bode well for the approval of an official Google Maps app, the source says.
Intr-un final cei de la Apple vor publica in App Store o aplicatie Google Maps facuta de Google, insa o vor tine cateva luni bune in testare.