Tim Cook este CEO al Apple de mai bine de un an de zile, el a fost ales de catre Steve Jobs pentru a ii fi succesor, insa un fost director al companiei sustine ca la conducerea Apple nu se afla un om puternic. David Sobotta a fost director in divizia de vanzari in perioada in care Tim Cook a fost numit la conducerea ei si spune ca actualul CEO nu arata aceeasi pasiune pentru tehnologie precum Steve Jobs, sau alti membri ai echipei de conducere, si nu este genul de om care sa isi sustina angajatii in momentele dificile.
Well, for starters, Cook is not a people person,” Sobotta writes. “He certainly will not stand behind someone if the going gets rough. He is not that kind of guy. I sense no personal loyalty in him, and I suspect employees already understand that.Technology-wise, I think Tim Cook is a lightweight. I never felt passion for technology from Tim like I did from Steve and some of the great engineers. I would expect that Tim is having a hard time herding the chickens. From what I saw of him, he was something of a loner. He is not a warm guy nor is he the type to go wandering the halls or Caffe Mac to find out what is happening. His preference is to tinker with spreadsheets and numbers. He is not a natural leader. He’s a manager.
Continuand, Sabotta spune ca lui Cook ii lipsesc acele calitati pe care un lider trebuie sa le aiba, si poate are dreptate, insa deocamdata Apple a functionat cat se poate de bine sub conducerea lui Cook, deci nu ii pot fi reprosate prea multe. Tim Cook nu a fost si nu va fi vreodata un nou Steve Jobs, el a fost ales pentru calitatile sale manageriale si nu pentru calitatile pe care le avea fostul CEO al companiei Apple, iar pana in momentul de fata alegerea s-a dovedit a fi buna, insa nimeni nu stie ce se va intampla in viitor.
This post was last modified on nov. 9, 2012, 8:18 AM 08:18