Samsung Electronics top executives and about 200 chiefs of overseas branches meet on Dec. 17-18 to discuss strategy in the face of the global recession and an intensifying standoff with rival Apple. The meeting comes after Samsung decided to hike the price of application processor chips used by Apple and right after a U.S. court rules whether or not Samsung should pay Apple more than US$1.05 billion in damages for infringing Apple’s design patents.
Publicatia sustine in continuare ca Sasmsung a crescut pretul de productie al procesoarelor pentru iDevice-uri, desi oficiali ai companiei au negat acest lucru, iar vicepresedintele diviziei care superviza relatiile cu partenerii, inclusiv Apple, ar fi fost concediat. Intalnirea din decembrie va stabili probabil un guideline in baza caruia Samsung va actiona anul viitor in ceea ce priveste vanzarile si promovarea produselor, iar noi ne putem astepta la diverse surprize din partea companiei.
This post was last modified on nov. 15, 2012, 6:00 PM 18:00