CEO-ul Microsoft sustine ca iPhone-urile sunt prea scumpe, afirma ca Microsoft ar putea produce smartphone-uri Windows Phone

  Se zvoneste de mai bine de o saptamana ca Microsoft intentioneaza sa produca o serie de smartphone-uri ce ruleaza Windows Phone, si cateva afirmatii recente ale CEO-ului companiei confirma partial informatiile. Pentru inceput el spune ca iPhone-urile sunt prea scumpe, lucru adevarat, mai ales in afara SUA unde un terminal de acest gen are preturi ce trec usor de 1000$. Continuand, Ballmer vorbeste despre Android-ul care nu ar fi construit a fi in interesul utilizatorului, si este deseori atacat de malware, lucru complet adevarat.

The ecosystem of Android is a little bit wild, from an app compatibility perspective, a malware perspective… maybe in a way that’s not always in the consumer’s best interest… conversely, the Apple ecosystem looks highly controlled, and by the way, quite high priced. The fact that we live in a country where almost every phone is subsidized, you may forget it. But I was in Russia last week where you pay $1000 for an iPhone.. you’re not going not going to sell that many iPhones… The question is how do you get the quality, but maybe not the premium price. A controlled, but maybe not quite as controlled ecosystem.

  Afirmatiile sunt facute inaintea unui posibil anunt privind dezvoltarea de catre Microsoft a unor smartphone-uri Windows Phone, Ballmer spunand ca Microsoft nu poate ignora posibilitatea de a dezvolta terminale de acest gen. In momentul de fata Microsoft tine Nokia in viata cu linia Windows Phone si daca si-ar produce propriile dispozitive, atunci compania finlandeza ar fi prima victima, insa ramane de vazut ce vor face cei din Redmond.

Do I anticipate that partners of ours will build the lion’s share of all Windows devices over the next five years? The answer is, absolutely,” Steve Ballmer said at a tech industry event in Santa Clara, California, on Wednesday…. “With that said, it is absolutely clear that there is an innovation opportunity on the scene between hardware and software and that is a scene that must not go unexploited at all by Microsoft.

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