Apple si Motorola au cateva procese pe rolul instantelor de pe glob, ambele companii au avut victorii impotriva celeilalte, insa acum s-ar putea sa asistam la o incheiere amiabia a tuturor disputelor. Dupa incheierea unui acord cu cei de la HTC, Apple foloseste acum arbitrajul pentru a ajunge la o intelegere si cu Motorola/Google. Cele doua companii au facut deja oferte reciproce pentru licentierea unor brevete standard si negocierile sunt in curs de desfasurare, Apple afirmand ca o intelegere dintre ele ar putea fi aplicata la nivel global.
The companies have been exchanging proposals on using binding arbitration to reach a licensing agreement over patents that are essential to comply with industry standards on how phones operate. Such an agreement could lead to a global settlement of all of their patent disputes, Apple said in a filing yesterday. “Apple is also interested in resolving its dispute with Motorola completely and agrees that arbitration may be the best vehicle to resolve the parties’ dispute,” Apple said in the filing… Motorola Mobility first raised the issue of arbitration on Nov. 5, before a federal judge in Madison, Wisconsin, threw out a breach-of-contract case that Apple had filed. The Cupertino, California-based maker of the iPhone claimed its mobile-phone competitor was misusing standard-essential patents to demand unreasonable royalties.
Motorola a fost cea care a adus in discutie ideea arbitrajului, Apple pare sa fi fost de acord si exista sanse mari ca un armistitiu sa fie semnat pana la sfarsitul anului. Cei de la Google ar dori sa incheie un acord care sa linisteasca apele pentru toti producatorii de terminale Android, insa cred ca Apple este foarte interesata sa se lupte cu Samsung, deci un acord atat de cuprinzator nu va fi incheiat prea curand. Chiar si asa, Apple incepe sa incheie disputele cu companiile importante si sa se concentreze pe cei de la Samsung, iar in curand vom vedea cat de important este acest lucru.
“It’s in everyone’s best interest in the industry to pull back and reach some sort of equilibrium,” Spektor said. “Google could offer a certain level of protection to licensees who comply with whatever standard it puts in place.”
This post was last modified on nov. 17, 2012, 8:06 AM 08:06