Saptamana trecuta Samsung a cerut unei instante sa oblige Apple sa ii prezite detaliile acordului incheiat cu HTC, iar Apple a acceptat cererea coreenilor, insa va oferi o versiune redactata a documentului. Versiunea redactata a acordului incheiat intre Apple si HTC va ascunde doar referintele privitoare la pretul platit pentru licentierea tehnologiilor, un aspect pe care probabil Samsung ar fi fost extrem de interesanta sa il afle. Avocatii celor de la Samsung au cerut totusi sa primeasca o versiune neredactata a intelegerii pentru a vedea si banii pe care ii plateste HTC, insa o instanta va decide daca Samsung are intr-adevar nevoie de asa ceva.
On Friday Samsung’s counsel in the Apple case in California brought a motion to compel, demanding access to the newly-minted Apple-HTC license agreement. Apple’s response is that Samsung’s motion is “moot” because Apple and HTC are happy to provide a redacted version, with only 33 words, which set forth the license fees HTC has to pay under the agreement, being redacted. And even the redacted version will be marked as “Highly Confidential – Attorneys’ Eyes Only”.
Avocatii Samsung au cerut acces la acest document pentru a demonstra faptul ca Apple este dispusa sa le licentieze celor de la HTC tehnologii in baza carora a dat Samsung in judecata, insa daca Apple este dispusa sa ofere acces la document, atunci probabil avocatii se inseala. Ei doresc sa vada si ce bani se platesc pentru aceste licentieri, chiar daca sumele au sau nu vreo relevanta in procesele dintre Apple si Samsung, si e greu de crezut ca o isntanta ar putea permite acest lucru.
But Samsung’s lawyers still want access to the full, unredacted agreement, including the part on the royalty rate. It’s obvious that HTC does not want its competitors to know about its cost structures. While HTC CEO Peter Chou said in interviews that the amounts on which the media speculated ($6-$8 per unit) were “outrageous” and not true, the world will never know the amount unless the full agreement is disclosed at some point, which is very unlikely to happen.