Apple adauga sase produse Samsung intr-un proces intentat deja coreenilor

  Vineri compania Apple a depus la o instanta din SUA o motiune prin care cere sa adauge la un proces existent 6 terminale Samsung care i-ar incalca brevetele de inventie. Doua versiuni ale Samsung Galaxy S III Mini, Samsung Galaxy Note 2, Samsung Galaxy Tab 8.9 Wi-Fi, Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 si Samsung Rugby Pro sunt cele 6 dispozitive si pentru fiecare Apple are diverse cereri. Compania a inclus produsele in proces in principal din cauza unor actualizari ale Android-ului, sau ale implementarii unor noi versiuni ale Android OS, brevetele invocate acum fiind utilizate deja in proces.

  1. “the Samsung Galaxy S III running the new Android Jelly Bean operating system” (the S III was previously added as I mentioned above, and Jelly Bean was already at issue in Apple’s previous motion to amend, but Apple says that the new Android version “did not arrive on many devices – including those examined by Apple’s counsel – until earlier this month”);

  2. the Samsung Galaxy Note II (first released on October 24, rolling out to additional carriers earlier this month); by the way, I just ordered one after having used the original Note for about a year;
  3. the Samsung Galaxy Tab 8.9 Wifi, which also isn’t new per se, but the original infringement contentions were based on Honeycomb (Android 3.0) and on Thursday it received its update to Ice Cream Sandwich (Android 4.0), which is why Apple wanted to update its charts as well;
  4. the Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 10.1, “which was released with the Ice Cream Sandwich operating system with various carriers beginning November 9, 2012, and most recently on November 21, 2012”;
  5. the Samsung Rugby Pro (released on October 21); and
  6. “the Samsung Galaxy S III Mini, which Samsung has yet to officially release in the United States, but which Apple discovered earlier this week is now offered for sale in the United States.” (the UK release was on November 8)

  Procesul in care s-a cerut includerea acestor produse va incepe in luna martie a anului viitor, pana atunci Samsung poate rezolva problemele reclamate de catre Apple si poate evita scoaterea lor din vanzare, insa poate fi trasa la raspundere pentru utilizarea fara drept a brevetelor de inventie.

This post was last modified on nov. 24, 2012, 7:00 PM 19:00

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