La doar cateva saptamani de zile dupa mutarea sub conducerea lui Eddy Cue a echipei care se ocupa de dezvoltarea iOS 6 Maps, aflam ca managerul care a supervizat dezvoltarea intregului proiect a fost concediat. Richard Williamson este omul care a avut grija ca noi sa avem o aplicatie iOS 6 Maps atat de “buna”, acum el va fi inlocuit, Eddy Cue propunandu-si sa inlocuiasca intreaga echipa care superviza proiectul, totul in ideea de a creste increderea consumatorulor in proiect si de a aduce “un suflu nou” in divizie.
Apple Inc. has fired the manager responsible for its troubled mapping software, seeking to win back the trust of users disappointed after the program debuted in September, according to people familiar with the move. Richard Williamson, who oversaw the mapping team, was fired by Senior Vice President Eddy Cue, said the people, who asked not to be named because the information wasn’t yet public. In removing Williamson, Cue wants to install a new leadership team for the group, one person said. A replacement for Williamson wasn’t immediately known. Attempts to reach Williamson weren’t successful.
Se pare ca problemele iOS 6 Maps au determinat si o scadere a interesului fata de terminalul iPhone 5, insa aici vorbim doar despre un zvon neconfirmat de vreo sursa din interiorul Apple. Compania a imbunatatit constant sistemul de harti al iOS 6 Maps in ultimele saptamani, multe tari au harti actualizate si corecte, iar schimbarile vor ajunge eventual inclusiv in tara noastra. Apple a avut extrem de multe probleme de imagine dupa lansarea iOS 6 Maps, ele se vor rezolva, insa intre timp sistemul nu este utilizabil peste tot.