Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition pentru iPad este disponibil in App Store (Video)

  Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition este o versiune pentru iPad a celebrului joc Baldur’s Gate, el fiind lansat in cursul acestei zile in App Store-ul companiei Apple. V-am vorbit in acest articol despre tot ceea ce aduce aceasta versiune a titlului, iar acum completez informatiile spunandu-va ca in el aveti parte de 80 de ore de gameplay, peste 40 de clase si armuri, peste 100 de vraji, peste 150 de obiecte magice, plus alte cateva caractere noi fata de cele ale versiunii originale.

Play the Legend. The original Baldur’s Gate has entertained millions of fans around the globe, and has received countless awards. This classic saga of mystery, intrigue, and adventure has set the standard for Dungeons & Dragons™ computer role-playing games ever since. Now, upgraded and enhanced, it comes to your iPad.

  • 80 hours of Epic RPG adventure
  • Over 40 classes and kits
  • Over 100 spells
  • over 150 magical items
  • New adventure: The Black Pits, a thrilling combat adventure 
  • New character: Rasaad yn Bashir, a Calishite Monk searching for answers.
  • New character: Dorn Il-Khan, a half-orc blackguard with a history of violence.
  • New character: Neera the Wild Mage, a half-elf on a quest to control her powerful magic.

  Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition este disponibil in App Store la pretul de 8.99€.

Pretul initial:
Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition



Developer: IdeaSpark Labs Inc.
 iPad Only
Categoria: Games

Descriere: Play the Legend.

The original Baldur’s Gate has entertained millions of fans around the globe, and has received countless awards.

This classic saga of mystery, intrigue, and adventure has set the standard for Dungeons & Dragons computer role-playing gam…

Dimensiunea aplicatiei este: 1740.8 Mb

This post was last modified on dec. 7, 2012, 5:17 PM 17:17

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