Fade – un efect interesant pentru deschiderea Notifications Center-ului din iOS

  Fade este un tweak lansat in cursul acestei nopti in Cydia, iar cu ajutorul sau puteti implementa un efect interesant pentru deschiderea/inchiderea Notifications Center-ului din iOS. Tweak-ul este conceput special pentru reduce nivelul de vizibilitate al iconitelor din Springboard in functie de procentul din Notifications Center

care ocupa ecranul, astfel ca la jumatate din Notifications Center deschis veti vedea foarte greu aplicatiile, insa la deschiderea doar a unei parti a acestuia aplicatiile vor ramane in continuare vizibile.

A little *twinkle* for you perfectionists out there 🙂 This tweak fades out homescreen elements such as the icons and dock while pulling down the Notification Center. It is very special as it *smartly* changes alpha depending on the point you’ve pulled down the Notification Center. So suppose I pull it down by 50% my remaining visible homescreen elements will also fade by 50% This results into a smooth must have effects you that you can add that little *me* feeling out there! Whats more, its compatible with iOS 5 and 6 and is fully compatible with the iPhone/iPod/iPad 🙂 More cool tweaks to come out on Christmas!

  Fade este disponibil gratuit in repo-ul BigBoss al Cydia.

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