Speaking Keyboard este un tweak lansat in aceasta seara in Cydia, iar cu ajutorul sau puteti obliga iDevice-urile sa recite literele, textele sau propozitiile scrise folosind tastatura din iOS. Tweak-ul este gandit pentru a functiona in 3 moduri diferite, el este activ pentru orice tastatura activata intr-o aplicatie din iOS, indiferent daca vorbim despre ce a aplicatiilor native, ori despre cea disponibila in aplicatiile retelelor de socializare ori in jocuri.
Add The TextToSpeech functionality ,built into your Keyboard, hear letters,words,or sentences as you type them.
Three different speech modes:
Spelling Mode:
Great for educational purposes
-Chat Mode:
Great for Social apps like SMS,Facebook,WhatsApp,etc, as you can hear what you typing in real time.
It adds another layer of functionality to your typing experience.
-Conversation Mode:
Similar to Chat Mode ,with this mode,you can simulates almost real talking experience when using social apps.
There is not screenshot for this tweak
Speaking Keyboard este disponibil pentru 1$ in repo-ul BigBoss al Cydia.
This post was last modified on dec. 15, 2012, 8:18 PM 20:18