Icon Passcode iti permite sa blochezi accesul la aplicatii individuale ale iOS

  Icon Passcode este un tweak lansat in cursul acestei nopti in Cydia, iar cu ajutorul sau putem bloca accesul la aplicatii individuale ale iDevice-urilor noastre. Tweak-ul ne da posibilitatea de a seta un passcode care trebuie introdus de fiecare data cand o anumita aplicatie este deschisa, aceasta optiune fiind disponibila pentru orice aplicatie instalata in iDevice-uri. Spre deosebire de alte tweak-uri asemanatoare, Icon Passcode impune introducerea aceluiasi cod de siguranta si cand deschideti task switcher-ul sau meniul de setari al iOS, astfel ca aveti protectie totala pentru aplicatii.

This is an  free tweak Icon Passcode lets you lock any application you like, so for example you toggle photos application to on, when you tap on a icon you have to enter you passcode to launch the app. I know what your’e thinking! this is just like the other ones avaible on cydia. NO! I’ll tell you why, Icon Passcode also give you the option to lock the mutitask bar, so you will aslo have to enter the correct passcode to make the app switcher appear. Ive been working on this today to make it the perfect password protection via tapping on icons. making this all look like its apart of the IOS. this is how i think apple should intergate such a awesome idea. Now not only do you have protection on your apps, and switcher, ive made protection the the settings itself you when you go into Icon Passcode’s settings you have to enter your passcode before you can even see the settings.

  Icon Passcode are un meniu de setari in aplicatia Settings a iOS, acolo puteti modifica acel cod de siguranta si puteti alege care aplicatii sunt protejate sau nu. Tweak-ul este disponibil gratuit in repo-ul ModMyi al Cydia.