Camera+ este una dintre cele mai bune aplicatii cu ajutorul carora puteti face poze folosind iDevice-urile voastre, in cursul serii trecute ea a fost actualizata si acum va dau ocazia de a o castiga in cadrul acestui concurs. Pentru a participa trebuie doar sa lasati un comentariu cu textul Particip, doar versiunea pentru iPhone va fi oferita in cadrul acestui concurs, iar acesta se incheie astazi la ora 22:00.
It’s all about one thing… GREAT PHOTOS! Whether you’re a seasoned photographer or someone who’s barely touched a camera, Camera+ will make you love taking photos. Everybody has a creative side… Camera+ will help bring that creativity out in you, all with a fun, innovative, and beautiful design. Set exposure separately from focus for the ultimate control of your shots… simply touch with a 2nd finger while focusing to adjust exposure until your shot is perfect. Use the iPhone 4 LED flash as a continuous fill light to improve photo quality, especially for portrait and macro shots.
UPDATE – Castigatorii sunt: LucianS , Mihai , Doru Soare , Vlad21 , StefanGe ;
Descriere: ON SALE!
Over 9 million sold!
The Clarity filter is iPhone photographys secret sauceit adds pro-camera crispness to almost any shot.
Kevin Sintumuang, The Wall St…