Facebook Poke este o aplicatie lansata in aceasta seara de catre Facebook pentru platforma iOS, ea permitand utilizatorilor sa dea poke-uri prietenilor cu mesaje, poze sau clipuri video. Aplicatia se conecteaza direct la infrastructura Facebook-ului, functionalitatea ei se rezuma la ceea ce am descris mai sus si practic ea reprezinta o metoda noua de a interactiona cu prietenii vostri, insa intr-un mod mult limitat fata de cel disponibil in aplicatia Facebook pentru iOS.
Poke your friends to share fun moments or just say hello.
- Poke a friend with a message, photo or video
- Choose how long they can see it
- Press and hold to see pokes from friends
- Say where you are when you poke
- See when your friends take screenshots
Facebook Poke este disponibila gratuit in App Store, insa nativ functioneaza doar pe iPhone/iPod Touch.
Facebook Poke
Descriere: Poke your friends to share fun moments or just say hello.
Poke a friend with a message, photo or video
Choose how long they can see it
Press and hold to see pokes from friends
Say where you are wh…