O companie din China lanseaza un gamepad si o tastatura magnetica pentru iPhone 5 (Video)


  iPhone5mod, compania care a reusit sa cloneze primele cabluri Lightning pentru iPhone 5, iPad Mini si iPad 4, aduce acum pe piata un nou accesoriu extrem de interesant. Vorbesc despre o carcasa magnetica la care posesorii de terminale iPhone 5 pot atasa o tastatura magnetica sau un gamepad magnetic, ambele conectandu-se prin Bluetooth la dispozitive. In clipul video de mai sus aveti prezentate cele doua accesorii in actiune, ambele pot fi atasate/detasate de carcasa cu usurinta si teoretic ar trebui sa functioneze perfect cu iOS-ul.

By using our iPhone 5 Back Case, You can detach the qwerty keyboard from the iPhone entirely as you wish and switch to a Joypad controller for playing games. The interchangeability is made always possible, as iPhone features multiple bluetooth peripheral use. Both the keyboard and the joypad is made “feather-like” weight @ just 2mm thickness with sturdy aluminum material. The keyboard being first of it’s kind, it’s also the lightest and thinnest keyboard for iPhone ever-made.

  Tastatura si gamepad-ul au doar 2mm grosime si sunt prezentate ca fiind cele mai usoare si mai subtiri accesorii de acest gen disponibile pentru terminalele mobile. Accesoriile pot fi conectate atat in landscape, cat si in portrait mode la iPhone 5, au autonomie de 160 de ore in standby si practic schimba complet felul in care priveam accesoriile de acest gen. Produsele sunt disponibile pe website-ul celor de la iPhone5mod la pretul de 50$.

  • Interchangeable Keyboard / Joypad Controller
  • Supports both portrait and landscape mode
  • “Feather-Like” weight keyboard, lightest in the world
  • 2mm thickness, thinnest keyboard in the world
  • Ultra-portable, All-in-one solution for any type of users
  • Made of sturdy durable aluminum material
  • Bluetooth 3.0
  • Long lasting usage of 40hrs
  • Standby time: 160 hours
  • Charging time: 1 hour only
  • Water-proof and dust-proof