La CES 2013, cei de la Panasonic au prezentat o noua serie de televizoare din seria Smart Viera, partea interesanta la ele fiind conectivitatea cu terminale iOS si Android OS. Panasonic sustine ca televizoarele folosesc platforma Viera Connect, iar prin intermediul functiei Swipe & Share 2.0 utilizatorii pot afisa pe ecrane imagini si clipuri video. Continutul multimedia este afisat pe ecran folosind un simplu swipe, pozele pot fi editate rapid folosind aplicatii din televizor, iar mai apoi pot fi transferate inapoi in iDevice.
Swipe & Share 2.0 – a connectivity enhancement that transforms the TV into a hub for streaming and sharing photo and video content seamlessly with Smartphone and Tablet devices. Through Panasonic’s proprietary VIERA Connect platform, users can transfer personal photos and videos from their Android or iOS devices directly to the large screen with a simple swipe of the finger and transfer them back to their smart devices the same way. Swipe & Share also enables sharing of user-generated photos and videos that are on the large screen with other Android or iOS devices. (2013 VIERA ZT60, VT60, and ST60 Series).
Modelele ZT60, VT60, ST60, S60 si X60 sunt echipate cu aceasta tehnologie, fiecare dintre ele permitand conectarea terminalelor mobile, aparrent, foarte simplu si usor. Televizoarele celor de la Panasonic nu sunt primele care ofera conectivitate pentru asemenea terminale mobile, insa va fi interesant de vazut cum functioneaza tehnologia lor de indata ce televizoarele vor ajunge pe piata.
This post was last modified on ian. 8, 2013, 5:16 PM 17:16