Apple si marea sa influenta asupra CES 2013

  Apple nu a participat anul acesta la CES 2013, a castigat totusi un Emmy, insa mai important este ceea ce se intampla in conventie in lipsa sa. Desi compania are mai mult ca sigur angajati care viziteaza conventia, influenta sa este vizibila nu prin prezenta acestora, ci prin produsele care sunt prezentate acolo de catre producatori. Conform celor de la Wired, 500 dintre cei 3000 de expozanti sunt prezenti in spatiul iLounge, special dedicat producatorilor de accesorii pentru iDevice-uri.

Of the 3,000 or so exhibitors here at CES, nearly 500 reside in the iLounge pavilion, a section dedicated specifically to Apple-related products. And then there are the hundreds of audio, automotive, health, gaming, and accessory companies hawking iOS and Mac peripherals. There are more iPhone and iPad adaptors, docks and dongles than you could possibly imagine. Vendors are showing off iPad camera rigs, solar-powered Mac batteries and even an iPhone-connected plant sensor. And then there’s the sea of bedazzled and bedecked iPhone and iPad cases.

  Practic o sesime dintre expozanti prezinta produse care sunt fie facute special pentru iDevice-uri, fie sunt compatibile cu acestea, iar in afara lor exista alte cateva sute de produse care sunt compatibile cu terminalele celor de la Apple. Producatorilor nu le pasa de faptul ca Apple nu este prezenta la CES, lor nu le lasa decat de faptul ca Apple produce terminale extrem de populare, de faptul ca ele se vand bine si de faptul ca accesoriile facute pentru ele sunt la fel de populare.

“We know that Apple is doing well,” said Howard Cheng, Just Mobile’s director of operations. “We know that it’s better to make Apple products than anything else.” Another advantage to going down the iRoute is Apple’s tight focus on a few products and form factors. It’s far easier to tailor accessories to Apple than anyone else. “Accessory makers can reach virtually the entire installed base of iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch owners with two products, determined by the connector,” the 30 pin or Lightning, said Charles Govin, an industry analyst with Forrester. “Similarly, a case maker must create many SKUs for the Android market, but essentially only three (iPhone 3G, 4, and 5) for the entire iPhone market.”

  Expozantii de la CES spun ca posesorii de iDevice-uri au disponibilitatea de a cheltui bani seriosi pe iDevice-uri, iar produsele lor au cea mai mare sansa de reusita daca sunt dezvoltate pentru un iPhone sau o tableta iPad. Un mare avantaj este faptul ca iDevice-urile au doar doua conectoare pentru care trebuie dezvoltate produsele, usurinta de a face un produs compatibil cu toata linia de dispozitive fiind un motiv extrem de important in baza caruia se alege dezvoltarea sa pentru un anumit terminal mobil.

“Apple owners have a demonstrated willingness to spend for accessories, cases, and other customizations,” Govin said. “Essentially, the potential return on investment is more promising for Apple-related products.” CES also shows just how willing people are to build on Apple’s iconic “i” branding. There’s iLounge, iBattz, iSkin, iConnectivity, iPort and even iCat all within a few feet of each other on the show floor. 

  CES 2013 a fost intr-o buna masura dominat de catre Apple, chiar si fara o prezenta oficiala a companiei acolo, insa asta stim de cativa ani de zile, mai exact de cand iDevice-urile au devenit atat de populare incat genereaza miliarde de dolari pentru producatorii de accesorii si aplicatii.

But does anyone wish Apple were actually here? Not really. Cheng, from Just Mobile, agrees. “At this point, I don’t think Apple needs to be here,” he said. “They have their own events and that works for them.” “I don’t care,” said Raymond Meng, president of iSmartAlarm. His company is releasing an iPhone-controlled home alarm system, which Meng says was inspired by the burglary of Steve Jobs’ house this summer. Meng said that it doesn’t matter that Apple isn’t at CES with a booth or keynote, because CES is already the most successful and popular show for companies like his.

This post was last modified on ian. 11, 2013, 9:50 AM 09:50

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