Anul trecut o instanta din Marea Britanie a decis ca unele tablete ale Samsung nu incalca brevetele de inventie ale Apple si a obligat compania americana sa faca public acest lucru pe propriul website, dar si in cateva ziare de mare circulatie. Citand decizia din Marea Britanie, o instanta din Olanda a decis astazi exact acelasi lucru intr-un proces intentat de catre Samsung companiei Apple in cursul anului trecut. O instanta din Haga a decis astazi ca Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1, Galaxy Tab 8.9
si Galaxy Tab 7.7 nu incalca brevetele de inventie ale Apple, desi forma lor este asemanatoare cu cea a tabletelor iPad.A Dutch court, citing previous decisions in British courts, has ruled that some Samsung Electronics Galaxy tablets do not infringe an Apple design. Wednesday’s ruling by a district court in The Hague concerned the rounded corners of Samsung’s Galaxy Tab 10.1, Galaxy Tab 8.9, and Galaxy Tab 7.7. “We continue to believe that Apple was not the first to design a tablet with a rectangular shape and rounded corners and that the origins of Apple’s registered design features can be found in numerous examples,” Samsung said in a statement.
Practic Apple pierde un nou proces impotriva celor de la Samsung si in ciuda victoriei din SUA, compania deocamdata nu a primit vreun cent din miliardul acordat de catre un juriu format din americani.