Real Racing 3 este prezentat intr-un nou video


  Desi deocamdata Real Racing 3 este prezentat ca urmand a fi lansat in App Store in Q1 2013, utilizatorii asteapta titlul dej mai bine de 3 luni de zile. Pentru a face asteptarea mai usoara, cei de la EA Games au publicat clipul video de mai sus in care prezinta cateva dintre noutatile care ne asteapta peste cel putin o luna de zile. Principalele imbunatatiri ale jocului se rezuma la motorul grafic, si poate acesta este unul dintre motivele in baza carora jocul inca nu a fost lansat, chiar daca Apple sustine ca chip-ul grafic quad-core din iPad 4 ar trebui sa poata rula orice.

The Firemonkeys discuss the addition of real tracks in the second developer diary for Real Racing 3. Real Racing 3 lets gamers compete against friends and rival drivers from around the world. Fans can race on real world circuits with powerful dream cars from all-new manufacturers like Porsche, Audi, and Dodge. With the improvements achieved with Real Racing 2, the team aimed to raise the bar on expectations and continue to give their artists the ability to create the most realistic graphic effects on cars on an individual basis. Including realistic reflections, customizable cars and improved details down to glosses and finishes, Real Racing 3 delivers the unique experience of speeding in some of the best cars on world famous race tracks.