iPhone 5 este primul, si deocamdata singurul, iDevice al Apple care are ecrane fabricate folosind tehnologia in-cell, insa acest lucru s-ar putea schimba in viitorul apropiat. Conform celor de la Digitimes, peste 170 de milioane dintre terminalele mobile vandute in 2013 ar urma sa contina aceassta tehnologie si probabil nu vorbim doar despre iDevice-uri. Desi Apple este, probabil, cel mai mare cumparator de ecrane care utilizeaza aceasta tehnologie, lucrurile s-ar putea schimba in viitor.
Approximately 170 million handsets sold in 2013 are expected to use in-cell touch technology, according to the Industrial Economics and Knowledge Center (IEK) under the Taiwan government-sponsored Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI). IEK said that approximately 25% of mid-range and high-end handsets sold in 2013 are expected to use the technology, indicating that yields for the technology are increasing and that handset makers are looking to make their devices thinner and lighter. IEK also said that it expects in-cell technology’s CAGR over the next four years to be at 25%.
Desi Apple prefera in general sa utilizeze in mod exclusiv o tehnologie importanta, se pare ca partenerii sai sunt dispusi sa vanda tehnologia inclusiv altor producatori de terminale mobile. Nimeni nu stie sigur deocamdata cine ar urma sa implementeze tehnologia in-cell in propriile terminale, in afara celor de la Apple, insa Samsung sigur nu se afla printre ei.