Saptamana aceasta un zvon adus la lumina de cativa analisti americani a afectat serios valoarea actiunilor companiei Apple. El spunea ca Apple ar fi redus numarul comenzilor pentru ecranele iPhone 5 si ca acest lucru ar fi fost determinat de faptul ca terminalul nu se vinde bine. In realitatea vestea nu era noua si era normala pentru un inceput de an, insa raul a fost facut si valoarea actiunilor Apple a scazut mult in doar cateva ore. Pe urmele acelui zvon vine altul, de aceasta data tableta iPad fiind adusa in discutie.
Sharp Corp has nearly halted production of 9.7-inch screens for Apple Inc’s iPad, two sources said, as demand shifts to its smaller iPad mini. Sharp’s iPad screen production line at its Kameyama plant in central Japan has fallen to the minimal level to keep the line running this month after a gradual slowdown began at the end of 2012 as Apple manages its inventory, the industry sources with knowledge of Sharp’s production plans told Reuters. The sources didn’t say how much of the slowdown was due to seasonal changes in demand or consumers opting for the smaller iPad mini and were unable to characterize Apple’s overall tablet sales.
Cei de la Reuters au aflat, aparent in exclusivitate, ca fabrica Sharp in care erau produse ecranele de 9.7 inch pentru iPad si-ar fi diminuat activitatea pana la nivelul minim din cauza reducerii comenzilor facute de Apple. Compania americana ar fi acum interesate sa isi vanda stocul de tablete din magazine, cererea pentru produs scazand, in aparent, dupa lansarea iPad Mini. Desigur ca nimeni nu stie cat de adevarat este totul, insa actiunile Apple vor resimti lovitura.