Ieri v-am aratat o metoda complicata prin care puteati muta aplicatii din Springboard in foderul Newsstand al iOS, iar astazi am pentru voi o metoda si mai complicata pentru efectuarea unui respring fara a face jailbreak iDevice-ului vostru. Desi metoda functioneaza, ea este extrem de complicata si ca sa fiu sincer este mult mai simplu sa faceti jailbreak dispozitivului decat sa urmati pasii de mai jos, insa in lipsa de alte oportunitati nu aveti de ales.
Pe iDevice-urile fara jailbreak nici nu prea aveti motive pentru a face respring, avand in vedere ca nu puteti instala tweak-uri si nu puteti modifica sistemul, insa daca va plictisiti indeajuns de mult, puteti incerca pasii de mai jos.
Step 1: Create two folders, one containing apps or shortcuts that you don’t care to use.
Step 2: Place the folder containing apps that you don’t care about on page three of your Home screen. Place the folder containing apps that you care about on page two of your Home screen.
Step 3: Swipe over to page 3, and press the Home button, then immediately tap and hold on the folder you just placed there. The screen should quickly swipe over to the first page. Quickly swipe back to the second page containing the other folder you created.
Step 4: If you did this properly, then wiggle mode should automatically kick in without you doing so. Tap the folder on the second page to open it, and then press the Home button. Your folder from the third page should be placed into the folder on the second page.
Step 5: Open the folder on the second page, and tap and drag all of the apps out of the folder, being careful to leave the folder containing the apps you don’t care about in the folder.
Step 6: All that should remain in the folder is the folder containing apps you don’t care about. Now enter wiggle mode, and rename the main folder “Respring”.
Step 7: Any time you would like to respring, simply open up the respring folder, and tap the folder residing inside of it. This will automatically cause your iPhone to “crash” and respring back to the Lock screen.
Step 8: Feel free to place this shortcut in a place where you can easily access it.
This post was last modified on ian. 22, 2013, 10:36 PM 22:36