4000 de miliarde de notificari au fost trimise prin Notifications Center si 500 de milioane de conturi iTunes sunt acum active

  Continuand seria dezvaluirilor interesante in legatura cu rezultatele financiare anuntate aseara de catre Apple, va spun ca in cadrul conferintei audio Tim Cook a prezentat si cateva detalii interesante in legatura cu serviciile de internet ale Apple. V-am spus deja ca 250 de milioane de utilizatori sunt activi in iCloud, 85 de milioane fiind inregistrati doar in 2012, ca 2 miliarde de iMessage-uri sunt trimise zilnic, iar acum va spun ca 4000 de miliarde de notificari au fost trimise prin serverele Apple si direct catre iDevice-urile utilizatorilor.

In terms of other services, we feel fantastic about how we’re doing. In Notification Center, we’ve now sent over 4 trillion notifications, and this is mind-blowing. As Peter mentioned in his opening comment, for iMessage we’ve now sent over 450 billion and are currently sending those over 2 billion per day. With Game Center, we’ve got over 200 million registered users. We have 800,000 apps on the App Store with over 40 billion downloads. And so I feel really, really great about it. There is obviously more stuff we can do and you can bet we’re thinking about all of it.

  Peste 450 de miliarde de iMessage-uri au fost trimise in un an si 4 luni de existenta a serviciului, iar iTunes-ul are peste 500 de milioane de conturi active in intreaga lume, multe dintre ele avand carduri de credit atasate. Practic Apple are o infrastructura extrem de extinsa, cu foarte multi utilizatori activi, iar cifrele de acest gen nu ar trebui sa mire pe cineva, avand in vedere ca sute de milioane de iDevice-uri sunt active si folosesc zilnic aceste servicii.

This post was last modified on ian. 24, 2013, 4:57 PM 16:57

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